Saturday, December 26, 2009

sometimes you can't go home again even though you never left

a friendly fish named frank
always stayed near the surface of the tank
the vast vistas of human faces
in his mind always stirred up traces
of an empire that long ago sank

if the comte de sade came back to earth
and saw the new cosmos giving birth
oceans of pornography
vampire novels from sea to sea
what would his dreams be worth?

an unknown prophet named slim
couldn't swim
he was thrown in the water
but old pharoan's daughter
just turned up her nose at him

blind potato murphy played the blues
he walked the hills of ireland in his alligator shoes
he drank poteen
dreamt of fair kathleen
and paid his union dues

bob, a humble barracuda
sought the path of the true buddha
a dinosaur banging a big brass gong
followed as he walked along
and quite destroyed his mood, ah

a sunfish named stagger lee
lived in the depths of the sea
a sea lion named bob (or was it billy?)
thought his paraphilological positions were silly
and never invited poor stack to tea

an electric eel named ed
wore a path to perdition on his head
he didn't know its approximate cause
so he kept it wrapped in gauze
and took another med

a platypus named roy
was no stranger to ecstatic joy
he could feel the earths heart beat
beneath his wary webbed feet
but his demeanor remained quite coy


Jon said...

hi timmy

hope you're having a nice christmas season

i think the poem on potato murphy in the alligator shoes is my favorite of these... got a good laugh with this one...


take care, and I'll catch up with you again soon

Harlequin said...

timmy-- this whole piece felt like a series of quirky and close to the bone fables....
and I especially liked the one about the compte de sade.... what would he think indeed, would he be incredulous, disappointed, a morbid combination of both.... or .... or ...

nice to see you continue to cook over the holiday season