when jesse and the boys got back to the hideout they was laughing fit to bust. bill anderson was laughing the hardest. "that ole sheriff'll be picking the burrs out of his britches till christmas!" suddenly the candle flared.
"yesterday i thought you loved me, yvonne. now i realize what a fool i've been." " very touching. and what do you propose to do with this new illumination?" "i'm consulting with garfield today. and then leaving for marseilles with bettina." "bettina - that pathetic little grub."
"roger, it's great to see you. how are you?" "great, ralph. how have you been?" "good, good. what brings you here?" "i heard the linguini was really good." "try the spaghetti."
"forget you ever knew me, francesca - and as for your unhappy mother - " the count began to weep. "haven't we been through this before, father? really, i expected better of you. "
"forget you ever knew me, frederick. i'm afraid that is the best advice i can give you.' "but what about all the things i bought you - the diamonds, the dresses, the country estates?" "i am afraid that is between you and your barrister." "please let me off."
there was a young man from peru who never knew what to do when his shoes were untied his smile was wide and his eyes were celestially blue
there was a young maid from malay whose behavior was quite outre the townsfolk requested that she be arrested when she promenaded on the quay
during the sack of rome attila decided to go home to his men around a bonfire he said, fellows i've decided to retire there is something buzzing in my dome
there was a young man named mcgoof who climbed on the courthouse roof a cannon was trained on his palpitating brain and he disappeared with a poof
there was a young man from spain with a throbbing jugular vein when he got excited his brain ignited and his ears shot out purple flame
there was a young maid from bolivia with the right proper name of olivia when a highwayman approached and on her carriage encroached she said i'm sorry i've got nothing to give ya
a young man from asbury park went to china on a lark he caused an international incident by enquiring where his napkin went at a picnic in the emperors park
a young man from sunny mt pleasant received a motor car for a christmas present he took to the road in a boisterous mode and slaughtered a few dozen peasants
"mr forthwaite is here, minister.'" 'ah yes, show him in." mr forthwaite was short and round, and carried a small flat briefcase. "well, what do we have today, sir, more doom and gloom?"
"no doubt, pemberton, no doubt you thought you were doing the right thing. but that doesn't change the fact that the crisis hasn't been averted. " the home secretary tapped the memorandum with his pencil. "please be on the next train."
after the ball was over, prince adelbert and the duc d'olanne met at the front gate. torches flared in the hands of the royal pages. "we will meet again, duc," "yes, on the floor of the arena."
"take me with you," cried the little king, weakly. all morning the troops had been filing under the balcony in their magnificent multicolored uniforms , red infantry, blue cavalry, green hussars, golden cavalry. the dust settled in the street. it was still morning.
an xquisite flower named xantippe grew on the banks of the mississippi but she ran out of luck when she was casually plucked by a passing dirty hippie
a yammering gorilla named yunk walked into a tavern and plunked his money on the counter down announcing with a fervid frown "the economy seems in a funk"
a zealous headwaiter named zane was racing for the train when a monstrous yellow hound knocked him to the ground and he was never heard from again
an arrogant inspector named auguste found some unfortunate dust on the windowsill of ernie's bar and grill and acted judiciously, we trust
"i never imagined, chester'," antoine cried vehemently, "it never occurred to me that you would turn out to be such a contemptible, absolutely unmitigated boor."
an urgent conspirator named ubu brown shook the dust of the little town where he had been born and raised from his earliest childhood days from his topcoat with an unctuous frown
out on the sidewalk, a bag lady and a giant crab were fighting over a chicken wing. hortense turned from the window. "don"t you want to see how it turns out?", asked rodrigo, the masked man. "no", said hortense "i think i will go to my room."
explain to me again exactly what happened", intoned the inspector. "well, sir, it seems that this young woman was on her way home from the symphony-" "wearing orange spandex?"