i'm sorry i didn't mean it
but you said i know i said
but i didn't mean it but you said
i have it recorded
right here you said it
i know i said it but i was just saying
i didn't mean it you're a liar
i don't believe you you said it
you are what you say i was just kidding
i didn't mean it honest
honest? what do
you know about honest?
you have to believe me i didn't mean it
i know you you're a sociopath
i read a book about you
sociopath? isn't that kind of
a big word for a conversation
like this? go away
i don't like you any more
i never liked you how can you
not like me "any more"
if you never liked me? there you go
again being a smarty pants
as well as a sociopath
i know you now
i always knew you how can you
know me "now"
if you always knew me? get out
get out so all this stuff
about the tape and the book
about the sociopath is just an
exercise in style right
if you never liked me
i said get out but
it's my room yes, mine
you don't believe me
i have the rent receipt right here
in black and white
that's just the kind of thing
a sociopath would say
like what i have on the recording
i have the receipt you have the recording
i guess there is nothing
more to say i guess not
sociopath you should find
a new insult "sociopath"
is kind of sterile all right
i'll leave now
see you around no you won't
i'm glad that's over with